Monday, May 2, 2011

A Message from a Veteran

To the Next First Year Student

College is one of the greatest experiences in a young persons life if you know how to do it right. As you begin your journey you will come to notice that there are not step by step "rules" of how you can have the most successful college experience. Many have come to realize that it is all done by trial and error. However, there are those few you take pity on you and are willing to help you out. I am one of them, a veteran you can say because I have already had the experience as I am about to complete my fourth semester. So I have done it all, and trust me, my first semester was one I wish I had more advice on. Here are a few tips that I can guaruntee will work.

1. Do your research- before make any hasty decisions carefully examine your life and what is most important to you. Whether it's deciding on a major, apartment, personal expenditures, etc. Know what you are getting into ahead of time.

2. READ!!! yes we know that assigned readings, heck reading in general has become an thing to put aside, it's never a priority over those parties, or social events. BUT the secret here is that if you read the chapters ahead of time and before lecture you'll notice that your professors will even repeat the exact same thing in class. It's a really exciting feeling knowing what you professors are talking about ahead of time.

3. Network. Networking in college is key. You never know who you'll end up meeting and how that person can actually be beneficial to you. Get know people, be approachable, stay in touch. It will come a long way when you need a favor and you made a good impression on one of your classmates who are will to help you out.

4. Make your own deadlines. I find that its helpful to set my own deadlines for assignments. If I pretend that as assignment is actually due two days before the actual deadline I'll most likely get done early, and not have to worry about it. Try it, I promise you'll feel a lot better afterwords!

5. Have fun! Yes it seems overwhelming at times but be sure to take a break every once and a while and enjoy yourself. You've been working hard and you deserve a break, don't stay locked up in your room or the library all semester you will suffocate! Its not healthy, you need to breathe some fresh air and reward yourself on your accomplishments whatever that may be.

Well there you go, some tips that will assure the most fulfilling college experience ever! Now go out there and make me proud.

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